Monday, March 17, 2008

A Librarian and a Chaplain walk into a bar...

Wow, has it really been two weeks since I last posted something?!!?

Here are WIP's of the two HQ models. The sash on the chaplain will be gray.

Is the blue on the Librarian okay? I figured some touch of blue would be fluffy.

Veteran models are nearly done, except for a lot of base painting. These pseudo-urban ruin bases take a lot of painting, since the cork absorbs quite a bit of paint before taking on the color.

The Dreadnought "Sinkiller" is partially done, but most of the other vehicles aren't very far along.


James said...

... First off, I wanna hear the end of that joke, haha. The librarian looks awesome, I think the blue sash looks completely cool. I'm sure he'll turn out sweet looking, I'm loving it so far. Fluffy is definitely good with me. I've got a seven or so page Index Astartes articles on these guys for my own nerdy, fluffy pleasure. Thanks for the update, I was starving.

James said...

Another two weeks with no update! You're killin' me over here. :-)