Okay, GW. I have a question.
every stinking tank the Space Marines have can take the "dozer blades" option, then
why oh why is the Razorback turret the only sprue that actually
has a dozer blade on it!?!? Yeah, I know. The new Vindicator has 10x the dozer blade that any tank before it has had, but that doesn't really help me now, does it?
Does it?Well, griping aside, I'm trying to get all the details for the tanks together so I can actually finish them. Yes, I dropped the f-bomb. Finish. I'm having a hard time tracking back through all the emails to get the details right, so please verify them for me here. Also, I shall craft a clever dozer blade alternative in light of GW wonderful ability to
not include them.
Dreadnought: all weapons interchangeable, including storm bolter and heavy flamer. Did you want searchlight or smoke launcher?
Razorbacks: convertible heavy bolter / lascannon turrets, dozer blades, storm bolters
Predators: Autocannon turrets, heavy bolter sponsons, storm bolter, dozer blades
(one will have convertible lascannon/autocannon turret)
Rhino: storm bolter, dozer blade
Vindicator: storm bolter, dozer blade